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The ultimate summer-ready skincare routine

  • 4 min read

The joy of slipping on the sandals and stepping out into the warm rays of the summer sun cannot be beaten. But it’s a time when we’re showing off more skin, and subjecting our skin to a tough time in terms of sun, humidity, and sun cream. We need to adapt our summer skincare regime to ensure we look and feel our best. Here we delve into the secrets of a perfect summer skincare routine for dry skin and oily skin, as well as good practice overall.

What’s the problem with summer

Summer itself isn’t the problem. We know it’s a glorious time for getting outdoors and living life to the full. However, this comes with its challenges for every skin type.

Just below the surface of your skin are your sebaceous glands. These are the oil generators. And they aren’t overly adaptable to change. So, with increased heat and sun screen use, they can end up in overdrive, especially as the heat opens your pores and causes them to get blocked. 

This means a unique summer skincare routine for oily skin needs to be adopted. But it’s also a problem for those with dry skin. You can quickly discover your skin has gone patchy. Even those with a usually clear complexion can find themselves prone to breakouts.

Just like your skin needs help to adapt when facing colder weather, your skin needs help in the summer months too. And there’s no hiding it under thick scarves and winter hats!

Making a change for summer skin

The first place to start is looking at your daily skincare routine and considering if anything needs to be swapped out.

In our step-by-step guide to clearer, brighter skin, we explain our recommended skincare routine which is perfect for everyone: first cleanse, second cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, and hydrate.

In summer, we need to consider the specific products we use. We recommend:

Summer skincare routine for dry skin:

First cleanse:
Our Cleansing Face Balm is ideal for all skin types and is great for removing makeup and wiping away pollution and impurities. Made using ground-up apricot stones, it is rich in Vitamin E, making it brilliant at neutralizing free-radicals due to sunscreen use and sun exposure. It also contains calming blackcurrant seed, should you have overdone it in the sun.

Second cleanse other known as double cleansing: Those who prefer a gentle cleanse will fall in love with the Cleansing Face Milk. It is made from upcycled oat powder giving it a creamy milky formula that when applied to the face, repairs and restores the skin’s moisture barrier- leaving your skin buttery soft! 

Exfoliate: For people with dry skin, the Coffee Face Scrub Citrus Blend is a good choice for the summer months. It’s been specially created for those with dry skin that needs a rehydration boost. It does this by using rosehip oil and shea butter in addition to the working-wonder of the coffee grounds.

Moisturize: Those with dry skin are no strangers to the need to moisturize. During summer, with the drying effect of the sun, fans and air-conditioning, it can be even more important. The UpCircle Face Moisturizer is fast-absorbing and will help to rehydrate your skin with beautiful cocoa butter. 

Hydrate: Finally, reach for our Organic Face Serum with Coffee Oil to hydrate and boost your skin to a perfect summer glow. It’s rich in vitamin C from rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Summer skincare routine for oily skin:

First cleanse:
Again, opt for our Cleansing Face Balm as it is excellent at breaking down oil, sweat and sun cream. For those with oily skin, this is essential.

Second cleanse: Our Cleansing Face Milk is a wonderful choice for those with all skin types, including oily skin. It will help to detoxify your skin and get rid of any excess oil from your first cleanse.

Exfoliate: It’s particularly vital for those with oily skin to exfoliate, especially in the summer months. The Coffee Face Scrub Herbal Blend is a natural exfoliator. It also contains tea tree oil which, as a natural anti-bacterial, will help your skin fight off dreaded summer outbreaks of spots.

Moisturize: It can be tempting to avoid moisturizing when you have oily skin. However, if you don’t use moisturizer then your skin will try to overcompensate and simply get oilier. Our moisturizer is suitable for all skin types. It also contains aloe vera to help nourish sun-exposed skin.

Hydrate: Suitable for all skin types, an excellent way to help you hydrate your skin during the summer months is by using the Organic Face Serum with Coffee Oil. You’ll have a perfect summer glow without the risk of clogged pores.

Understanding all the elements of your summer-ready skincare routine

In the routines above, you’ll see we frequently mention the inclusion of antioxidants. This is vital during the summer months when you are spending more time outdoors, exposing your skin to pollution, as well as potentially applying sun creams. 

It’s important to include antioxidants in your diet too. Vegans are ahead of the game here, but everyone’s skin benefits from a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts. Sprinkle walnuts or flaxseeds over salads for hydration-boosting omega-3 fatty acids too. Also choose spinach, tomatoes and seasonal berries which are all high in vitamin C.

Don’t forget water either. By combining moisture-rich skincare products with hydration from the inside, your skin will have a beautiful summer glow. Drink plenty of water, but also choose food stuffs such as cucumber which are high in water.

Lastly, if you’re going out to enjoy the sun, make sure that you think about how to benefit from the vitamin D blasting rays while also protecting your skin. The simplest solution is to avoid the sun at its strongest, between 11 and 2 pm, and wear a wide-brimmed hat as well as loose cotton clothing – remember that your summer skin needs to breathe!