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A Sunday self-care skin routine to relax and unwind

  • 5 min read

Ahh, Sunday. The day when the work week is done and the household chores can swing. This is the day of rest.

If you’re guilty of occasionally neglecting your skin throughout the busy working week, you are far from alone. Our busy lives don’t always give us enough time, and we tend to drop the elements that are just about us. But if this is you, then we recommend establishing a Sunday self-care skin routine that can set your complexion up for the week ahead.

Sundays were made for rest and relaxation, so it’s the ideal day of the week to take some time out for you, recover from the weekend’s activities, and enjoy a well-being boost. 

To get started with your Sunday skincare routine, simply follow our guide to preparing your skin for a brand-new week.

Get your skin nice and clean

Whether you’ve had a weekend out on the town, been for a long country walk, or hit the shops – your skin has been exposed to dirt and toxins simply by being exposed to normal weekend living. Begin your self-care Sunday routine by removing any excess oils, make-up and grime that has built up over the weekend and the week before it, with a gentle, yet effective cleansing face balm.

Our Cleansing Face Balm with Apricot Powder removes stubborn mascara, impurities and pollution to leave your skin feeling deeply cleansed and hydrated. The balm contains finely ground apricot stone powder which is rich in Vitamin E to nourish the skin. It’s blissful and nurturing, a perfect way to kick things off and make you excited about your self-care session.

Buff away dead skin cells

There is no need to start the week with flaky, dry skin, so set some time aside as part of your weekend skincare routine to exfoliate your face and body. 

Why is exfoliation so important? Well, it can help to unclog pores and draw out impurities at a deeper level than cleansers alone can, in order to revitalize the complexion and give you a healthy glow. It also leaves your skin smooth and like the perfect blank canvas it can be.

To slough away any dead skin on your body, we’d recommend using an exfoliating body scrub on damp skin while you shower. Massage into the skin in circular motions and leave for a minute or two before rinsing away with warm water to leave your skin feeling soft and smooth. Remember, it’s Sunday, you can take your time – no rushing!

For pure indulgence, try our Lemongrass and Coffee Body Scrub, made with top-quality artisan coffee grounds, and blended with lemongrass, lime and coconut oils to hydrate the skin. We promise you won’t want to rush when your nose is awoken to its heavenly scent.

Follow up by exfoliating your face with our Coffee Grounds Face Scrub to brighten dull skin. There are three to choose from depending on your skin type, a citrus blend for dry skin, a herbal blend for acne-prone skin and a floral blend for sensitive skin. Choose the right blend for you and you’ll find it becomes an important part of your skincare routine all week long.

Banish breakouts with a face mask

Applying a face mask is one of the most relaxing things to do on a Sunday evening, simply lie down and let the mask work its magic while you chill out. Pop on your favorite tunes and it’s a match made in heaven. 

Aside from the relaxation benefits, a face mask will also deep cleanse the pores and moisturize the skin to reduce fine lines and give a plumper more youthful complexion.

If you have skin that is prone to acne or blackhead breakouts, use a detoxifying face mask such as our Kaolin Clay Face Mask. Made with powdered olive stones, it provides a powerful natural anti-inflammatory to help prevent breakouts, and the rich kaolin clay will leave your skin feeling refreshed and balanced.

Lock in the moisture

After all your hard work, remember to lock in all the goodness with a restorative night cream. Your skin is at its most regenerative while you sleep, allowing the active ingredients in your night cream to be absorbed fully and repair damaged cells.

Choose a night cream that is rich in replenishing niacinamide to help to even out patchy skin and hyaluronic acid for intense hydration overnight.  

When selecting a night cream, choose a brand that contains Vitamin A, as it acts as a retinol and an essential nutrient to promote skin health. Our UpCircle night cream delivers a burst of Vitamin A from the extract of repurposed blueberries to give your skin its best night’s sleep ever! And again, we promise you’ll end up making this a daily feature of your evening routine, no matter how busy you are during the week.

…And relax

Sundays are all about relaxation, so while you are treating your skin to an intense cleaning and moisturizing routine, you should also set the scene for tranquillity and pure indulgence.

Sunday self-care isn’t just about face creams and exfoliators (although that’s a great place to start); it’s also a time to reset your mind for the week ahead. Here are our suggestions to help you get the maximum benefits from your wellbeing routine:

  • Turn off your phone – enjoy a mini digital detox and settle down with a good book or listen to your favorite tunes instead.
  • Light a candle – the flicker of candlelight provides a soothing ambience and creates softness in your living space. Awaken your senses with a scented candle that oozes the comforting fragrance of nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla, or feel warm and cosy with a cappuccino infused candle with a burn time of 35 hours – that’ll see you through a few Sundays!
  • Practice mindful meditation – slow down and focus on the here and now by becoming aware of how you are feeling in the moment. Practice mindful meditation by breathing deeply and letting go of any tension or negativity to reap the rewards of a peaceful mind and improved sleep quality so you can face the new week feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

Other ways to add some self care to your Sunday

Once you’ve taken care of your skin, it’s time to take care of your mind and your body too. Make sure you do things on a Sunday that actually bring you happiness and a sense of calm. So whether that’s an outdoor walk with friends, some deep breathing exercises, or trying out a new recipe, take time to do the things you love. 

What else is important to you in your Sunday self-care routine?